Privilege meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Privilege’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Privilege’ pronunciation= privilidz
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Privilege meaning in English
‘Privilege’ means a special benefit, permission, rights, or ability available to a particular person or group, but that is not available to others.
1. A special right granted by the State or any other authority to a backward group by birth or on a conditional basis. for example:
▪ The Indian minority community has the privilege of reservation in government jobs.
2. The rare or fortunate occasion of good fortune; An especially rare or fortunate opportunity. For example:
▪ It has been a privilege to meet you, Mr. President.
▪ It is a privilege to be allowed to speak to you.
3. ‘Privilege’ means to grant or allow someone to do something. For example:
▪ He has the privilege of access to the secret information of any government organization.
4. A right or immunity enjoyed by a legislative body or its members. for example:
▪ An ambassador has the privilege of going through customs without being checked.
Privilege- English meaning |
Noun |
special right |
prerogative |
particular benefit |
particular advantage |
fortunate opportunity |
good fortune |
preferential treatment |
Verb |
granting special rights |
The word ‘Privilege’ act as a Noun or as a Verb.
The plural noun of the word ‘Privilege’ is ‘Privileges’.
The past tense of the word ‘Privilege’ is ‘Privileged’ and the gerund or present participle is ‘Privileging’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Privilege’ are as follows.
▪ I feel honored and privileged.
▪ A privilege denied to many.
▪ I feel privileged.
▪ It is my privilege.
▪ It has been an honor and a privilege to work with you.
▪ We have the privilege of having you as our teacher.
▪ A ‘privilege’ is a certain entitlement granted by the state or official authority to a certain group or individual on a conditional basis.
▪ ‘Privilege’ is a special right provided only for a special group of people.
▪ In India, socially backward people enjoy the privilege of reservation in government employment.
▪ ‘Privilege’ is not available to everyone and is restricted by the number of people.
▪ Handicapped employees get certain privileges in government jobs.
▪ Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.
▪ It has been a privilege to meet you.
▪ Privilege is something that only a restricted number of people can do, it is something that is not open or available to everybody.
‘Privilege’ other meanings
breach of privilege= A breach of privilege is a violation of any of the special rights of MPs/Parliament.
privilege leave= The company will pay the salary to the employee even while he is on leave.
rare privilege= Not frequently used special right
privilege motion= ‘Privilege motion’ is introduced by a member when he feels that a minister or a member has violated the privileges of the House.
underprivileged= Underprivileged peoples are not able to enjoy the standard of living and other advantages due to poverty or any other reasons.
feudal privilege= The unique rights or advantages enjoyed by birth were referred to as feudal privileges.
privileged member= Someone who has special rights or opportunity that is not available to others.
privileged information= Information that is secret and not for the public, only for a selective group of people.
privilege customer= Customer who has a special opportunity that is not available to other customers.
The synonyms of the word ‘Privilege’ are as follows.
prerogative |
entitlement |
right |
advantage |
perquisite |
faculty |
concession |
exemption |
immunity |
honor |
pleasure |
birthright |
The antonyms of the word ‘Privilege’ are as follows.
disadvantage |
restriction |
hindrance |
responsibility |
detriment |
burden |
duty |
obligation |
underprivilege |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.