Meant to be meaning in English | Easy explanation | Hindi Meaning

Meant to be meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Meant to be’ is explained in easy English with examples.

‘Meant to be’ pronunciation= ment to be

Meant to be meaning in English

‘Meant to be’ means ‘something happened because it was destined to attain a certain position.

‘Meant to be’ is used in the following situation.

1. Some things that happen are destiny.

▪ I am not surprised to hear that he won the race- it was meant to be.

2. To indicate a particular purpose or intention.

▪ Movies are meant to be entertainment.

3. Destiny to achieve a certain position.

▪ He was meant to be an actor.

Meant to be-Examples

▪ If it’s meant to be, it will be.

▪ Promises are meant to be broken.

▪ Challenges are meant to be challenged.

▪ Some stories are meant to be incomplete.

▪ We are not meant to be together.

▪ It’s only meant for me.

▪ What’s meant to be will be.

▪ We were never meant to be.

▪ Rules are meant to be broken.

▪ If you are meant to be with someone, will it happen?

▪ If someone is meant to be in your life, will they be back?

▪ Never force anything just let it be if it’s meant to be, it will be.

▪ How do you know you are meant to be with someone?

▪ We are meant to be together forever.

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▪ It is not meant to be.

▪ It is not meant to be tame.

▪ It is not meant to be live.

▪ It is not meant to be a guitar cover.

▪ It is not meant to be slowed.

▪ We are meant to be.

▪ We are meant to be together.

▪ We are meant to spend life together.

▪ If it’s meant to be.

▪ If it’s meant to be, let it be.

▪ If it’s meant to be it will happen.

▪ If it’s meant to be, he will come back.

▪ If it’s meant to be, I will guess it.

▪ If it’s meant to be motivated.

▪ You are meant to be.

▪ You are meant to be mine.

▪ You are meant to be lonely.

▪ You are meant to be together.

▪ You are meant to be here.

▪ You are meant to be loved.

▪ You are meant to be alone.

▪ You are meant to be great.

▪ It wasn’t meant to be.

▪ It wasn’t meant to be like this.

▪ It wasn’t meant to be tame.

▪ It wasn’t meant to be sent to you.

▪ Meant to be yours.

▪ Meant to be together.

▪ Meant to be together now and forever.

▪ Meant to be together no doubt about it.

▪ Never meant to be.

▪ Never meant to be so cold.

▪ Never meant to be together.

▪ Meant to be mine.

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