Conflict meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Conflict’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Conflict’ pronunciation= con-flict, kan-flikt,
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Conflict meaning in English
‘Conflict’ means serious disagreement or clash about something important.
1. Disagreement or differences between two or more groups or individuals.
2. Clash or fight between two countries or groups of people.
3. A serious difference of opinion between two or more views or beliefs.
Conflict- English meaning |
Noun |
clash |
struggle |
dispute |
differences |
contention |
Verb |
to clash |
to struggle |
to quarrel |
to be hostile |
The word ‘Conflict’ acts as a Noun and Verb.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Conflict’ are as follows.
▪ Can you help me in the conflict against corruption?
▪ We all have to deal with conflict sometimes in our life.
▪ Dealing with conflict can be one of the most challenging parts of human life.
▪ We are on the cusp of ending the Arab-Israeli conflict.
▪ India and Pakistan try to resolve the conflict between them.
▪ The conflict between Israel and Palestine turned into war.
▪ There is a lot of conflict between Pakistan and India.
▪ In a society, there always exists a social conflict between the poor and rich.
▪ Conflicts between husbands and wives lead to divorce.
▪ Caste conflict is a reality of the Hindu religion.
▪ India and Pakistan’s conflict worsened after the Kargil war.
‘Conflict’ other meanings
conflict resolution= serious clash solution, disagreement settlement
ecological conflict= Clash between living things and the environment
armed conflict= Use of armed force between two parties
interpersonal conflicts= Mutual clash, mutual disagreement
resolving conflict= Conflict resolution
class conflict= Clash between two different classes in the community
social conflict= Social struggle, Clash between two communities
conflict of interest= A situation in which the decision of a government official is influenced by his personal interest.
causes of conflict= Reason of clash, reason of differences, and disagreement
internal conflict= Inner anxiety, inner embarrassment
no conflict= No dispute
‘Conflict’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Conflict’ are as follows.
Noun |
disagreement |
dispute |
quarrel |
squabble |
discord |
friction |
antagonism |
strife |
hostility |
tussle |
clash |
battle |
combat |
encounter |
mismatch |
difference |
divergence |
contradiction |
incompatibility |
Verb |
collide |
vary |
opposite |
opposed |
irreconcilable |
discordant |
disagreeing |
differing |
oppugnant |
clashing |
contrasting |
incongruous |
The antonyms of the word ‘Conflict’ are as follows.
peace |
harmony |
agreement |
cooperation |
concurrence |
truce |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.