Breach meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Breach’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Breach’ pronunciation= brech, bri-ts
Table of Contents
Breach meaning in English
The word ‘Breach’ acts as a ‘Noun and Verb’.
The meaning of the word ‘Breach’ as a ‘Noun’ is as follows.
1. The act or action of breaking laws, rules, contracts, and promises.
▪ The company was accused of breaching safety regulations.
2. The action or act of breaking the defensive wall or barrier of the enemy army by the attacking army is called ‘breach’.
▪ A breach in the enemy defensive wall.
3. The breakdown of affectionate, friendly relationships or the breakdown of loving relationships.
▪ There was a breach in our friendship when he refuse to pay me what I owe.
Breach- English meaning (Noun) |
violation |
infringement |
crack |
rift |
leak |
gap |
break |
separation |
transgression |
The meaning of the word ‘Breach’ as a ‘Verb’ is as follows.
1. A crack or break in something solid.
▪ The water pressure breached the dam’s wall.
2. When a large object or water animal comes upwards by tearing the surface of the water, this act of tearing the surface water is called ‘breach’.
▪ The giant whale suddenly appeared by breaching the water’s surface.
Breach- English meaning (Verb) |
to violate |
to crack |
to dent |
Breaking |
to split |
The word ‘Breach’ acts as a ‘Noun and Verb’.
The past tense of the word ‘Breach’ is ‘Breached’ and the present participle is ‘Breaching’.
The plural noun of the word ‘Breach’ is ‘Breaches’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Breach’ are as follows.
▪ The company breached safety regulations. It was fined for that.
▪ Flooding occurs due to dam breaches.
▪ The dam breach caused a flood-like situation in seven downstream villages, with 12 houses being swept away.
▪ We have identified three breaches of the width of 70 m, 40 m, and 50 m on the wall of the dam.
▪ They breached the enemy’s defensive walls and then send their troops through.
▪ The breach of duty in negligence.
▪ A breach is considered to be a failure to comply with its obligation.
▪ In case of breach of warranty, the buyer can repudiate the contract.
▪ He breached the trust of his wife through illegal work.
▪ An ethical breach is not necessarily a violation of the law.
▪ Is breaching a court order a criminal offense?
▪ A breach in the unity of the church.
▪ A breach in a harmonious relationship.
▪ It is a breach of etiquette.
▪ There has been a serious breach in the security of the president.
▪ A breach of confidentiality occurs when private information is disclosed to a third party without consent.
▪ This is a breach of privacy.
▪ A breach of patient confidentiality is a violation of the law.
▪ What happens when someone is in breach of a court order?
▪ Police arrested two for creating a breach in a tank and wasting stored water without permission.
▪ The breach emptied the tank which was brimming.
▪ The officials have the opinion that the dam is at risk of breach.
▪ The dam breach also contributed to the shutdown of roads leaving vehicles stranded for a couple of days.
▪ Their relationship is on the edge of a breach.
‘Breach’ other meanings
breach of contract= An act of breaking the terms or conditions set out in a legal contract
breach of trust= Failure by a person to act responsibly. For example, disclosing any secret information or revealing the secret to another person.
breach of privilege= Violation of any privilege legally conferred on any person.
breach of law= breaking the law, violation of law, contravention of the law
breaching IPL code of conduct= IPL code of conduct violation
breach of agreement= An act of breaking the terms or conditions set out in a legal agreement
breach of promise= Breaking the promises made to someone, not to keep that promise made to someone
breach of taboo= Violation of a law made to maintain peace in public order, the offense of causing an unnecessary disturbance in public order
breaching bio bubble= ‘Bio-bubble’ is a safe artificial environment isolated from the outside world to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection. Breaking this safe artificial environment means ‘breaching bio-bubble’
breach of warranty= This occurs when the warrantor fails to provide warrant assurance.
breach of confidentiality= A breach of confidentiality occurs when the secret information is disclosed to a third party without consent
breach of etiquette= Failure to follow specific manners or courtesy necessary for a particular situation or environment.
breach in healthcare= Failure of a physician to provide service according to the standard of healthcare.
criminal breach of trust= Whoever misuses the property of the trust entrusted and violates any guidelines of the law, is a ‘criminal breach of trust in the language of the law.
stepping into the breach= Proceeding to break any promise or agreement made
tanks breached= Crack in the tank
road breaches= Cracks in the road
environmental breach= Damage caused directly or indirectly to the environment.
data breach= ‘Data breach’ is an act where information is stolen from the system without the permission of the owner or authority of the system
security breach= Violation of safety rules
anticipatory breach= An anticipatory breach is an action that shows one party’s intention to fail to fulfill its contractual obligations to another party
compliance breach= Failure to comply with a legislative obligation
policy breach= Failure to comply with terms and conditions in the policy agreement
Synonyms of the word ‘Breach’ are as follows.
Noun |
crack |
rupture |
rift |
leak |
aperture |
breaking |
discontinuity |
violation |
infringement |
contravention |
transgression |
non-observance |
discord |
separation |
division |
split |
chasm |
fracture |
gap |
cleft |
Verb |
rupture |
break |
bust |
split |
infringe |
disobey |
violate |
contravene |
flout |
go against |
offend |
infract |
transgress |
Antonyms of the word ‘Breach’ are as follows.
solid |
connection |
juncture |
agreement |
upholding |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.