Stay blessed meaning in English | Simple explanation | Hindi Meaning

Stay blessed meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Stay blessed’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Stay blessed’ pronunciation= stei bles-id, stei blest

Stay blessed meaning in English

‘Stay blessed’ means the act of wishing, that someone will get divine protection and he will enjoy a happy and prosperous life.

Stay blessed- English meaning
be happy
be prosperous
be lucky
be protected

Stay blessed-Example

The word ‘Blessed’ acts as an adjective.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Stay blessed’ are as follows.


▪ Only the Almighty has the power to keep stay blessed all.

▪ Stay blessed always with you.

▪ Happy birthday and stay blessed always.

▪ Happy anniversary to both of you, stay blessed.

▪ You stay blessed and healthy forever.

▪ Stay blessed and make happy others too.

▪ I wish you stay blessed long life.

▪ How to stay blessed the entire day?

▪ Congratulations on your success, stay always blessed.

▪ Both of you stay blessed for life long.

▪ Do noble deeds and stay blessed.

▪ Live long and stay blessed dear.

‘Stay blessed’ other meanings

stay blessed always= it expresses hoping that good things always stay upon you.

stay blessed always be happy= it expresses you will get divine protection and happy life.

stay blessed together= It usually expresses a married couple will get divine protection and happy life together

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stay blessed both= It expresses a husband and wife both will get divine protection and happy life together

happy birthday stay blessed= It expresses a happy birthday and divine protection from evil

stay blessed forever= It expresses divine protection and happy life forever

stay blessed and healthy= It expresses divine protection and healthy life

stay blessed lifelong= It expresses lifelong divine protection and happiness

I wish you stay blessed= It expresses wishing that good things always stay upon you

stay blessed all= It expresses  divine protection and happy life for all

live long stay blessed= It expresses long life with divine protection and happiness

Stay blessed-Synonyms

Synonyms of the word ‘Stay blessed’ are as follows.

stay happy
stay lucky
stay fortunate
stay privileged
stay joyful
stay blissful
stay glad
Stay blessed-Antonyms

Antonyms of the word ‘Stay blessed’ are as follows.

stay cursed
stay unlucky
stay unhappy
stay unfortunate
stay troubled

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