Sarcastic meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Sarcastic’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Sarcastic’ pronunciation= sa-kastik, sar-ka-stik
Sarcastic meaning in English
‘Sarcastic’ means pretending to say something simple that has a completely opposite meaning to what is said and whose purpose is often to ridicule, insult or mock someone.
1. Anything that shows or expresses sarcasm is also called ‘sarcastic’.
Sarcastic- English meaning |
satiric |
mordant |
blasphemous |
taunted |
sarcastical |
sneering |
derisive |
The word ‘Sarcastic’ acts as an Adjective.
The ‘Sarcastic’ comparative is ‘more sarcastic’, and superlative is ‘most sarcastic’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Sarcastic’ are as follows.
▪ I am being sarcastic with you.
▪ Boss’ continuous sarcastic remarks made her annoyed.
▪ Stop being sarcastic all the time.
▪ He is making sarcastic comments.
▪ His sarcastic tone feels funny sometimes.
▪ He is not happy with the sarcastic comments that he received for his article.
▪ My wife never likes my sarcastic remarks.
▪ My friends often ignore my sarcastic tone.
▪ Her sarcastic smile hurt me a lot.
▪ Sarcastic remarks on people’s shortcomings are a bad habit.
▪ There is no need to be sarcastic, my friend.
▪ Don’t be sarcastic all the time, it’s annoyed people.
▪ His comments were sarcastic.
▪ His comments were sarcastic.
▪ She gets a lot of sarcastic comments on his Instagram picture.
‘Sarcastic’ other meanings
sarcastic smile= Satiric smile, derisory smile
sarcastic tone= taunted tone
disguisedly sarcastic= Covertly taunted
sarcastic remark= Prickly gesture
sarcastic way= Sneering way
sarcastic comments= Taunted comments
sarcastic frown= Sarcastic tone, taunted tone
‘Sarcastic’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Sarcastic’ are as follows.
satirical |
mocking |
ridiculing |
taunting |
scoffing |
sneering |
jeering |
derisive |
mordant |
trenchant |
sardonic |
ironic |
The antonyms of the word ‘Sarcastic’ are as follows.
playful |
merry |
polite |
amusing |
gentle |
good-humored |
suave |
hospitable |
cordial |
affable |
gracious |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.