Running out of time meaning in English | Easy explanation | Indian

Running out of time meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of ‘Running out of time’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Running out of time’ pronunciation= ran-in aut of taim

Running out of time meaning in English

‘Running out of time’ means “You are short of time or you have very little time left to complete your task or work or achieve something.” For example:

▪ Please submit your papers students, you are running out of time.

▪ Due to my busy schedule, I am running out of time to do things.

Running out of time- English meaning
don’t have much time
have a little time to do something
only a little time left
your time is about to end

Running out of time-Examples

▪ I am running out of time.

▪ You are running out of time.

▪ We are running out of time.

▪ ‘Running out of time’ means ‘just a little time left.’

▪ I am very ill, please come and meet me, I am running out of time.

▪ The doctor said to the patient, make your will, you are running out of time.

▪ Hurry up, friend you are running out of time.

▪ We are already running out of time.

▪ The meeting is running out of time.

▪ Are we running out of time?

▪ As a Prime Minister, his period is running out of time.

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▪ Is Mr. Putin running out of time?

▪ Running out of time to make you love me.

▪ Running out of time make a deal with god.

▪ Running out of time to make you mine.

▪ Running out of time to do something.

▪ Dream about running out of time for an exam.

▪ Why am I always running out of time?

▪ I’ve been feeling like I’m running out of time.

▪ You are running out of time on this project.

Running out of time-Synonym

Synonyms of ‘Running out of time’ are as follows.

at end of one’s rope
can’t win
no chance
no hope

Running out of time-Antonym

Antonyms of ‘Running out of time’ are as follows.


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