Priority meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Priority’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Priority’ pronunciation= prai-oriti, pri-or-ə-te
Table of Contents
Priority meaning in English
1. ‘Priority’ means such an important task that is given primacy to be completed first and other tasks are left behind to be done later.
2. ‘Priority’ means the order of precedence of any work or thing based on its importance.
3. The main goal of an individual or organization.
Priority- English meaning |
fundamentality |
primacy |
seniority |
precedence |
preference |
excellence |
The word ‘Priority’ acts as a ‘Noun’.
The plural noun of the word ‘Priority’ is ‘Priorities’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Priority’ are as follows.
▪ Wear a helmet while driving a motorcycle and always gave priority to safety.
▪ My first priority is to get the job.
▪ He kept aside a low-priority task and concentrates on a top priority task.
▪ After marriage, I have given utmost priority to my wife.
▪ The prime minister of India announced that employment for youth is a priority of his government.
▪ Mother arranged utensils in the kitchen according to her priority.
▪ He usually gives the least priority to money than friends.
▪ The company gave priority to an experienced candidate for an accountant job.
▪ Customer satisfaction is the top priority of our hotel.
▪ As you grow older your priorities will be changed.
▪ You are not an option, you are my Priority.
▪ Never allow someone to be your Priority.
▪ Make yourself a priority this time.
▪ Priorities of life are obeying parents.
‘Priority’ other meanings
first priority= First preference
you are my Priority= You are my first preference
you are my priority, not an option= You are my preference, not my choice
top Priority= Top primacy
Priority list= Preference list, primacy list
Priority work= Primacy work, precedence work
‘Priority’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Priority’ are as follows.
primacy |
precedence |
precedency |
preference |
predominance |
pre-eminence |
weightage |
right of way |
The antonyms of the word ‘Priority’ are as follows.
unimportance |
inferiority |
posteriority |
last |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.