Prejudice meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Prejudice’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Prejudice’ pronunciation= prej·u·dice, predʒʊdis
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Prejudice meaning in English
‘Prejudice’ means taking a biased decision with respect to someone without knowing or examining the facts, keeping some in mind.
1. ‘Prejudice’ means a decision or opinion that is already made without knowledge or examination of the facts.
2. When we already have some preconceived thoughts and feelings about someone without knowing the real facts and real information about him, then such preconceived biased thoughts or assumptions are called ‘Prejudice’.
3. Prejudiced thoughts that are not based on actual experience.
4. Before we have any kind of complete information or without being aware of the facts, when we make decisions based on preconceived notions about a person, place, or thing, it is called ‘Prejudice’.
5. Damage or loss that may result from a biased action or decision.
Prejudice- English meaning |
Noun |
partiality |
bias |
preconception |
preconceived opinion |
favoritism |
discrimination |
harm |
Verb |
to favor |
to adversely affect |
do harm |
The word ‘Prejudice’ acts as a Noun and Verb.
The past tense of the word ‘Prejudice’ is ‘Prejudiced’ and its present participle is ‘Prejudicing’.
The plural noun of the word ‘Prejudice’ is ‘Prejudices’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Prejudice’ are as follows.
▪ Prejudice is bad when we act upon it and treat people unfairly.
▪ The judge’s thought was prejudiced towards that accused.
▪ Prejudice is a premature judgment.
▪ He has a prejudice against kids as he feels they are just trouble makers.
▪ Various forms of prejudice have influenced everything from the ancient period in society.
▪ What are the first steps to recognizing our own prejudices?
▪ When prejudice becomes behavior then it can be dangerous.
▪ Prejudice can lead to unequal treatment.
▪ I am prejudiced against Chinese cellphones.
▪ I am prejudiced against the political leaders of my country.
▪ In India, upper-caste people have a prejudice against lower caste people.
▪ Indians are prejudiced against non-vegetarian food, as Indian culture doesn’t allow it.
▪ Delay in the decision is likely to prejudice the citizen’s rights.
▪ Prejudice happens when pre-judgment is there without examination of facts.
▪ Prejudiced in favor of a particular cause.
‘Prejudice’ other meanings
without prejudice= Unbiasedly, non-partisanly, in a non-partisan manner
without prejudice to= Open-mindedly
racial prejudice= Dislikeness or biasedness towards people of other races or colors.
insular prejudice= Narrow-mindedness bias, Being critical of someone because of their unwillingness to consider new ideas
gender prejudice= Discrimination based on gender, especially against women and girls
stereotypical prejudice= Biased thoughts about a specific person or group of people
regional prejudice= Biased thoughts about a specific region
class prejudice= Biased thoughts about class
color prejudice= Biased thoughts about color
prejudice person= A person who has a biased opinion about specific things or specific people or racial group
personal prejudice= Personal bias
not prejudice= Open-minded, not biased at all
unprejudiced= Fair, unbiased, not pre-fixed
‘Prejudice’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Prejudice’ are as follows.
Noun |
bias |
bigotry |
partiality |
injustice |
unfairness |
chauvinism |
intolerance |
harm |
preference |
inequality |
discrimination |
impairment |
detriment |
hurt |
damage |
Verb |
influence |
distort |
predispose |
slant |
spoil |
harmful |
hinder |
injure |
The antonyms of the word ‘Prejudice’ are as follows.
harmless |
fairness |
tolerance |
justice |
impartiality |
equality |
benefit |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.