Litigation meaning in English | Easy explanation | Meaning in Hindi

Litigation meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Litigation’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Litigation’ pronunciation= li-tə-ga-shən, lit-i-​ga-​tion 

Litigation meaning in English

‘Litigation’ means the process of fighting a legal case in a civil court.

1. The process of taking a court legal action in a matter so that some decision can be taken.

2. ‘Litigation’ refers to the process of resolving disputes or complaints through the public court system.

Litigation- English meaning
court case
legal dispute
legal battle


The word ‘Litigation’ acts as a Noun.

The plural noun of the word ‘Litigation’ is ‘Litigations’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Litigation’ are as follows.


▪ There is litigation between brothers for the distribution of ancestral property.

▪ Litigation is a costly and time-consuming affair.

▪ The family’s civil matter is still in litigation after six years.

▪ The litigations of property disputes are increasing day by day.

▪ As an advocate, he gives free legal advice to needy people in their litigation.

▪ Common people always seek to avoid litigation.

▪ Mutual understanding is helpful to avoid expensive litigation.

▪ Litigation is a complex and slow process.

▪ A lot of litigations make the court judgment process slow.

▪ Everybody knows that litigations in the High court and the supreme court are very costly affairs.

▪ He won property dispute litigation in the supreme court.

‘Litigation’ other meanings

infructuous litigation= Fruitless judicial proceeding, ineffective lawsuit

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litigation review and appeals= Case review and appeals

tax litigation= Tax judicial proceeding

litigation party= Resolving disputes or complaints through the public court system.

public interest litigation= ‘Public interest litigation(PIL)’ is the use of the law to raise issues of broad public concern.

pre-litigation conciliation= Two parties come together to settle the dispute before filing a lawsuit to the court

type of litigations= Types of a lawsuit

litigated property= Property under judicial proceeding

‘Litigation’ Synonyms-antonyms

The synonyms of the word ‘Litigation’ are as follows.

legal action

The antonyms of the word ‘Litigation’ are as follows.


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