Entrepreneur meaning in English | Easy explanation | Meaning in Hindi

Entrepreneur meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Entrepreneur’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Entrepreneur’ pronunciation= an-trə-p(r)ə-nər, antrəprə-nə

Entrepreneur meaning in English

A person who establishes a business and makes business deals by accepting risk in the hope of financial gain, such a business person is called an ‘Entrepreneur’.

1. A person starting a business looking for a new opportunity to earn money.

2. A person who develops and owns his business.

Entrepreneur- English meaning


The word ‘Entrepreneur’ acts as a ‘Noun’.

The plural noun of the word ‘Entrepreneur’ is ‘Entrepreneurs’.

Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Entrepreneur’ are as follows.


▪ The Indian entrepreneurs have a great contribution to the country’s economic growth.

▪ My parents asked me, why I want to become an entrepreneur?

▪ Now he has established himself as a successful entrepreneur.

▪ He is a young, dashing, and successful entrepreneur.

▪ Everybody knows he is a fabian entrepreneur and his future is bright.

▪ Nowadays it’s easy for anyone can be an Internet entrepreneur.

▪ An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages an enterprise.

▪ The Indian government announced a scheme to promote village-level entrepreneurs.

▪ In business, an entrepreneur can risk their own capital for the sake of monetary profit.

▪ He is a budding entrepreneur with good business ideas.

▪ Why do you want to become an entrepreneur?

▪ Entrepreneur is a person who thrives for success and takes on risks by starting his own venture, service, etc. in the hope of financial gain.

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‘Entrepreneur’ other meanings

budding entrepreneur= New rising businessman

serial entrepreneur= Continuously Innovating Entrepreneur

fabian entrepreneur= Opportunity-seeking businessman

village-level entrepreneur= Village level businessman

‘Entrepreneur’ Synonyms-antonyms

The synonyms of the word ‘Entrepreneur’ are as follows.

business person

The antonyms of the word ‘Entrepreneur’ are as follows.

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