Discrepancy meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Discrepancy’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Discrepancy’ pronunciation= dis-krepnsi
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Discrepancy meaning in English
‘Discrepancy’ means a lack of similarity or resemblance between two actual facts.
1. Something that should be the same but due to some reason the difference was seen in it, this difference is called ‘Discrepancy’. Usually, this discrepancy can be corrected.
‘Discrepancy’ is found in various forms.:-
✔ ‘Discrepancy’ can be a mistake made while filling out an application form.
✔ ‘Discrepancy’ can be a mistake while filling the information in writing in any form.
✔ ‘Discrepancy’ can be a clearly visible variation in a document such as a name or address or age etc.
✔ ‘Discrepancy’ can be a visual discrepancy between two similar things.
Discrepancy- English meaning |
difference |
dissimilarity |
mismatch |
disparity |
variance |
incompatibility |
‘Discrepancy’ is usually rectified by removing discrepancies.
The word ‘Discrepancy’ acts as a Noun.
The plural noun of the word ‘Discrepancy’ is ‘Discrepancies’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Discrepancy’ are as follows.
▪ Contact branch in case of any discrepancy.
▪ In case of a discrepancy please contact the branch.
▪ How to fix discrepancy letter problem in pan card.
▪ How to remove images discrepancy.
▪ A discrepancy was found in my application.
▪ A discrepancy has been found in your uploaded scanned images.
▪ Certain discrepancies have been noticed in the details submitted by you in your application.
▪ Please find attached an annexure, which describes the discrepancies in detail.
▪ While processing your application, the following discrepancies have been found.
▪ You are advised to remove the above-listed discrepancy.
▪ Please click on the remove discrepancies button from your dashboard.
▪ Please remove the discrepancy within 07 days of generation of this letter or the last date of admission whichever is earlier so that we may further process your application.
▪ You had a discrepancy in your application, please solve it in two days.
▪ You will have to upload the original mark sheet and solve your discrepancy.
▪ The legality of notices issued is based on discrepancies between service tax returns and income tax returns.
▪ There is an obvious discrepancy between the two things that need to be rectified.
‘Discrepancy’ other meanings
admission discrepancy- Any mismatch found in candidates’ admission documents
discrepancy letter= This letter is an intimation about some mismatch or differences found in documents.
apparent discrepancy= Clearly visible differences.
huge discrepancy- Lots of mismatches or differences in documents
large discrepancy- Lots of mismatches or differences
minor discrepancy- very little difference
obvious discrepancy- Clearly visible differences.
discrepancy found= Mismatch found in your documents
define discrepancy= Explain the differences you found
result late due to discrepancy= Result late because of incompatibility
‘Discrepancy’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Discrepancy’ are as follows.
difference |
variance |
disparity |
inconsistency |
dissimilarity |
mismatch |
dissimilitude |
incompatibility |
disaccord |
miscalculation |
error |
The antonyms of the word ‘Discrepancy’ are as follows.
similarity |
consistency |
accord |
compatibility |
parity |
correspondence |
agreement |
Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on meaninginnhindi.com. Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.