Credentials meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Credentials’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms.
‘Credentials‘ pronunciation= kri-den(t)-shəl, kri-denʃ(ə)l
Table of Contents
Credentials meaning in English
The word ‘Credentials’ has two meanings.
1. A meaning refers to a document such as a letter of identity and a letter of credit.
2. The second meaning refers to eligibility such as authenticity, credibility.
Credential- English meaning |
identity Card |
credit letter |
authenticity |
credit |
goodwill |
The word ‘Credentials’ acts as a ‘Noun’.
The plural noun of the word ‘Credential’ is ‘Credentials’.
Credentials means ‘Document’
The word ‘Credentials’ is used as a ‘Certified document’.
‘Certified document’ means such letter, paper, or certificate which has been certified by an official body or official person. For example:
- License
- Passport
- Permit letter
- Charter
- Recommendatory letter
- Agreement
- identification card
- Certificate
Sentences made with this meaning of the word ‘credentials’ are as follows.
Credentials (Document) Example
▪ The candidate presented his academic credentials to the company manager.
▪ The policemen examined the reporter’s credentials for attending the chief minister’s press conference.
▪ The passport office called him to present his credentials.
▪ Before giving you the job, the employer always checks your credentials.
‘Credentials’ Synonyms-document
Some of the synonyms related to the document of ‘Credentials’ are as follows.
certification |
document |
testimonial |
testament |
letter of recommendation |
letters of credence |
title |
deed |
Credentials means ‘qualification’
The word ‘Credentials’ also works to show someone’s eligibility or qualifications.
Any quality, training, or experience of any person which helps him to achieve something is called the ‘Credentials’ of that person.
▪ He has the right credentials for the accountant job.
▪ He established his credentials as a leader.
▪ You must have credentials for a specific job.
▪ Always experience is a good credential for employees.
▪ Employers always give jobs to candidates on their credentials.
▪ Now everybody knows she has modeling credentials.
‘Credentials’ Synonyms-qualifications
Some of the synonyms related to the qualifications of ‘credentials’ are as follows.
qualifications |
eligibility |
skill |
aptitude |
ability |
capability |
capacity |
attribute |
accomplishment |
Credentials other meanings
login credentials= Login ID
valid credentials= Valid certificate, valid document
invalid credentials= Invalid certificate, invalid document
bad credentials= Wrong identity card
inb credentials= internet banking documents
please enter valid credentials= Please enter valid documents

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.