Could have been meaning in English | Easy explanation | India dict

Could have been meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Could have been’ is explained in easy English with examples.

‘Could have been’ pronunciation= kud hav bi-n

Could have been meaning in English

‘Could have been’ describes the possibility of some event that may have happened in the past.

‘Could have been’ means ‘there are some things that might have been done better in the past.

Could have been- English meaning
something was possible but it did not happen
an assumption of something in the past
the thing that was possible did not happen

Could have been-Example

‘Could’ is the past tense of the word ‘Can’.

Usually ‘Could have been’ is shortened to ‘Could’ve been.’

Sentences that can be formed using the ‘Could have been’ are as follows.


▪ I could have been married to her if she loved me.

▪ She could have been my wife if I loved her.

▪ He could have been driving very fast at the time of the accident.

▪ Could have been done.

▪ Could have been better.

▪ Could have been avoided.

▪ Could have been worse.

▪ I wish I could have been there.

▪ You could have been hacked.

▪ What could have been done better?

▪ It could not have been possible without your support.

▪ He could have been saved if the ambulance reached on time.

▪ You could have been.

▪ Could have been me.

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▪ Could have been us.

▪ Could have been you.

▪ I could have been a contender.

▪ We could have been superstars.

▪ We could have been so good together.

▪ We ever wonder what we could have been.

▪ You know you could have been an Actor.

▪ You and I could have been a team.

▪ You could have been hacked.

▪ You could have been you.

▪ You could have been with me.

▪ You could have been all I wanted.

▪ What a shame! You could have been with me.

▪ Have you ever wondered what we could have been?

▪ It could have been worse.

▪ She could have been a movie star.

▪ She could have been a poet.

▪ She could have been great.

▪ She could have been that crazy, I don’t think so.

▪ He could have been a Witcher.

▪ He could have been killed.

▪ He could have been right.

▪ It is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.

▪ Could have been me slowed.

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