Consent meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Consent’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Consent’ pronunciation= kən-sent, con-sent
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Consent meaning in English
‘Consent’ means to agree with someone’s opinion or feeling.
1. Permission is given to someone to do something.
2. An agreement between two parties or people regarding something.
3. To approve or agree to do something.
Consent- English meaning |
Noun |
accord |
compliance |
assent |
permission |
approval |
sanction |
agreement |
Verb |
agree to |
go with |
to approve |
to agree |
The word ‘Consent’ acts as a Noun and Verb.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Tenure’ are as follows.
▪ She finally gave her consent to the marriage.
▪ The couple filed a divorce application by mutual consent.
▪ He bought a new car without the consent of his parents.
▪ After the consent of her parents, she went abroad for higher studies.
▪ Before surgery, the doctor asks for patient consent.
▪ Both parties signed an agreement after mutual consent.
▪ She can’t do any work without family consent.
▪ Both countries gave consent to solve their issues.
▪ The movie actor consented to the interview after lots of requests.
▪ He consented to give me a role in his next movie.
‘Consent’ other meanings
mutual consent= An agreement between two parties or people
free consent= Voluntary permission
letter of consent= A consent letter is simply a letter written to request permission from a person or a group of people.
inferior without your consent= No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
implied consent= Implied consent to a contract can be inferred when one person has been performing on the contract, and the other person has accepted the first person’s performance without objecting or complaining.
parental consent= Parent permission, The permission granted by parents for their minor children to do something
consent letter= Agreement letter, permission letter
parents consent= Parents permission for their minor children in any activity
deemed consent= Deemed consent really means that the subject individual has given no signal that he/she has consented to the collection, use, or disclosure of personal health information.
consent form= The document which confirms the sanction of the individual for any activity
prior consent= Given permission before any event
affirmative consent= voluntary agreement to participate in
tenant with consent= Someone who is permitted to occupy the property of another person, by signing a lease or rental agreement.
‘Consent’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Consent’ are as follows.
Noun |
assent |
agreement |
acceptance |
accord |
approval |
concurrence |
acquiescence |
confirmation |
authorization |
okay |
permission |
endorsement |
Verb |
approve |
accept |
sanction |
allow |
The antonyms of the word ‘Consent’ are as follows.
dissent |
forbid |
denial |
disapproval |
disagreement |
refusal |
rejection |
objection |
protest |
opposition |
prohibition |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.