Colleague meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Colleague’ is explained in easy English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.
‘Colleague’ pronunciation= kaliːɡ, ka-leg
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Colleague meaning in English
Persons working with each other in a business place or in the office place are called ‘Colleague‘ to each other.
1. A person with whom one works.
2. ‘Colleague’ is someone with whom you work.
3. Colleagues, are the people associated in the professional field or workplace.
Colleague- English meaning |
Noun |
associate |
fellow employee |
co-worker |
companion |
fellow |
The word ‘Colleague’ acts as a Noun.
The plural noun of the word ‘Colleague’ is ‘Colleagues’.
Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Colleague’ are as follows.
▪ Your colleagues are fantastic guys.
▪ My colleague will contact you.
▪ My colleagues use bicycles to reach the company.
▪ He is my colleague.
▪ She is my only female colleague.
▪ I invited my office colleagues for my birthday.
▪ He has the full support of his senior colleagues.
▪ His former colleagues were not cooperative with him.
▪ He and his colleagues got increment for good performance.
▪ Some office colleagues helped me in difficult times.
▪ He is my best senior colleague.
▪ My newly appointed colleague was well experienced.
▪ My colleague helped me finish the job.
‘Colleague’ other meanings
colleague name= Coworker’s name
job colleague= Job companion, Job assistant
former colleague= Ex-coworker
company colleague= Company companion, company associate
your colleague= Your coworker
office colleague= Office companion
ex-colleague= Ex-coworker, ex-companion
dear colleagues= Dear coworkers
senior colleague= Senior Associate
colleague person= Co-worker
professional colleague- Professional associate
female colleagues= Female co-worker, female companion, female associate
‘Colleague’ Synonyms-antonyms
The synonyms of the word ‘Colleague’ are as follows.
co-worker |
fellow worker |
teammate |
collaborator |
companion |
comrade |
fellow |
co-partner |
confrère |
consociate |
assistant |
The antonyms of the word ‘Colleague’ are as follows.
enemy |
opponent |
competitor |
rival |
foe |
contestant |
antagonist |

Dr. Rajesh Sharma is a Hindi language expert with over 10 years of experience and a Ph.D. in Hindi Literature from Delhi University. He is dedicated to promoting the richness of Hindi through his well-researched articles on Follow Dr. Sharma on Instagram @hindi_adhyapak, where he shares insights with his 121K followers.