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Oblige meaning in English | Simple explanation | Simple dictionary

Oblige meaning in English: In this article, the meaning of the word ‘Oblige’ is explained in simple English with examples, along with its synonyms and antonyms.

‘Oblige’ pronunciation= a-blaidz, a-blij

Oblige meaning in English

Oblige has more than one meaning.

1. ‘Oblige’ means to force someone to do something legally or morally.

▪ Citizens are obliged by law to follow the traffic rules.

▪ I am obliged to visit the church every Thursday with my parents.

2. To do a favor for someone in order to help or please them.

▪ The blind man needed help to cross the road and I was happy to oblige.

3. To do something as a favor.

▪ The orphan children needed cloth and the church was very happy to oblige.

▪ The elderly patient needed care and I was very happy to oblige.

4. To be indebted or grateful to someone.

▪ I will be obliged if you could help me financially.

▪ I am obliged to you for your financial help.

5. To force or require someone to carry out a task.

▪ The police department is obliged to control the city’s crimes.

▪ The United States government is obliged to provide welfare services to its citizens.

▪ All prisoners were obliged to clean the floor.

▪ All students were obliged to pray before lunch.

Oblige- Verb
to do favor
do as a favor
bind by an obligation
cause to be indebted
be indebted
be grateful
forced by moral rules


The word ‘Oblige’ acts as a ‘Verb’.

The past tense of the word ‘oblige’ is ‘obliged’ and the gerund or present participle is ‘obliging’.

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Sentences that can be formed using the word ‘Oblige’ are as follows.


▪ I will oblige you.

▪ I will be highly obliged to you.

▪ I am obliged.

▪ I am obliged to you.

▪ Oblige me thereby.

▪ I am obliged to do this thing.

▪ ‘Much obliged’ is a way of saying ok or thank you.

▪ ‘Oblige’ means to be indebted or grateful to someone.

▪ ‘Obliged’ means an obligation to do something for someone legally or morally.

▪ ‘Oblige’ means to force to make someone do something.

▪ I am much obliged to you for helping me.

▪ I am much obliged to you for reading this article.

▪ ‘Much obliged for your help.

▪ Noblesse oblige means with power comes responsibility.

▪ Please do the needful and oblige.

▪ I shall be obliged if you could grant me an interview.

▪ I will be obliged if you can send me this information.

▪ I will be obliged if you could help me.

▪ I will be obliged for your help.

▪ I will be obliged for your consideration.


The synonyms of the word ‘Oblige’ are as follows.

thanks a lot


The antonyms of the word ‘Oblige’ are as follows.

let down

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